2018 Math STAAR Released Test
4th Grade Summary and Analysis Report
It’s time to use the STAAR Released Tests to your advantage.
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But… how do you break that released test down and put the knowledge to use?
You need a framework, some know-how, and a bunch of time.
Is that all?
No worries… I’ve got ‘ya covered.
Grab the 2018 Math STAAR Released Test Summary and Analysis Report and start using the info. in your STAAR prep and math lessons.
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2018 Math STAAR Released Test
4th Grade Summary and Analysis Report
Summary Overview
- TEKS Assessed
- Frequency of Specific Objectives (by number of questions and % of test)
- Readiness Standards Assessed
- Supporting Standards Assessed
- Frequency of Readiness and Supporting Standards
Analysis Overview
- TEKS Assessed and NOT Assessed
- Number of Questions per TEKS in order from Greatest to Least
- Relationship between Tested TEKS
- Relationship between Tested Readiness and Supporting Standards
- Emphasized TEKS, Readiness Standards, and Strands

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