by Veronica Lopez | Assessment
4 Tips for Managing Test-Stress, #4 may be controversial The test is coming up in a couple of weeks or days and you are asking yourself: How many of my students still aren’t ready? How will my students feel if they aren’t successful? How can I help my students deal...
by Veronica Lopez | Assessment
I’m Worried They Will Not Pass the Test I remember a time when I uttered those words to a campus principal. She told me, “You don’t have to worry. I have faith in you and I know all of your students are going to do just great.” I was teaching math to a group...
by Veronica Lopez | Assessment
8 Steps for Using Study Sheets to Get Your Students Ready for the Test You have spent the entire school year covering the necessary knowledge and skills. You used all the best instructional practices from keeping journals, using cooperative learning groups, providing...