
Personalized Professional Development

Individual Training or Campus and District Workshops

Personalized Professional Development will help you if you’re feeling nervous or even a little scared about teaching or the state test.  It will help if you’re doing all the research, but you don’t have time to review or implement all the information. It will help if you are tired of finding conflicting ideas.  It will help if you are overwhelmed by all of the information, images, data, and ideas.  It will help if you want everything in your class to serve a purpose.

With Personalized Professional Development you receive training based on YOUR strengths. Training that is designed to work with YOUR teaching style. You’ll learn exactly which tools and teaching strategies will help YOU become a stronger and happier teacher.

About Personalized Professional Development

Who I Help

I help math teachers who work with 3rd grade, 4th grade, or 5th grade students.

I help if you’ve been teaching math for a few or more than a few years.

I help if you are teaching math for the very first time.

I help if you were moved and will be teaching math in a new grade level.

I help…

-Teachers with 1 day to 30+ years of experience

-New teachers

-Aspiring teachers

I specialize in helping teachers who are serious about getting EVERYTHING in class to serve a purpose.

How I Help

With the right advice, assistance, materials, and accountability, you can stop trying different things.

It all starts with an initial 30 minute coaching session (by phone or Skype) with Veronica Lopez, Your Teacher’s Coach

What I Do

I’ll help you overcome the overwhelm.

I’ll help you create a simple system to teach math effectively.

I’ll help you establish a daily routine that makes sense for YOU and YOUR students.

I’ll help you put your plan in place to avoid fear and failure.

I’ll help you gain confidence.

I’ll help you lead your students to the most effective learning experiences you can possibly provide.


Here are a few Frequently Asked Questions…

FAQ 1: Do I really need a teacher’s coach?

If you are feel nervous, scared, or overwhelmed on a regular basis, then you will benefit from hiring a teacher’s coach.  If you are spending your weekends, nights, and holidays grading papers, planning, or searching the internet for solutions, then you will benefit from hiring a teacher’s coach.  If you want actionable steps to become a better teacher, then you will benefit from hiring a teacher’s coach.

FAQ 2:  Will I really be able to use the information I get during coaching? I’m new to teaching and don’t have too much experience.

Absolutely! Please see the testimonials from new teachers who have overcome fear and challenges with coaching.  The systems and processes you learn during coaching are listed in clear and easy to follow steps.  If you are committed to meeting the goals you identify during your coaching sessions, then you will succeed!

FAQ 3: I have found ideas on the internet before, but they didn’t work for me.

Answer:  Solutions on the internet are broad.  They don’t take into account your students, your experience, your personality, or your teaching style.  They don’t consider YOU at all, but I do.

FAQ 4: I might be able to find answers from others why should I pay for a teaching coach?

Answer:  Opinions, tips, and strategies are hit and miss solutions.  Others mean well by offering advice, but their tips are based on their own students and teaching styles.  As YOUR coach, I’ll customize a system or process to fit your needs and style.  You are investing in a customized solution from an educational expert.

FAQ 5: I don’t know if I can afford coaching. How much does coaching cost?

An indirect answer to this question… Please consider how much not having a coach is costing you?  You’re already paying loads when you consider that time is money – you’re wasting time looking for answers online, trying ideas in class that don’t hit the mark, and worrying about what to do next.  You’re probably also wasting money on books, posters, kits, flashcards, workbooks, and other materials that aren’t effective.

Session packages are the best value.  A package includes 3, 6, 9, or 12 hours of coaching.  The more hours you book the more money you save.  Coaching rates begin at $54 per hour for one to two hours of coaching and $132 total for 3 hours of personalized coaching. 

Consider this as an investment in yourself.   The rate really breaks down to pocket change when you think about it over the course of a month and pennies over the course of a year.

You are worth it.

Your road to becoming a happy and fulfilled teacher, a teacher with a dream classroom, is worth it.

Please email me at vlopez@treetopsecret.com if you’re interested in more coaching time which will save you more money.  Longer coaching periods also make a huge difference in the level of your teaching success. 

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Success as a teacher is based on your personal abilities, experience, knowledge, capabilities, and other variables we may or may not have considered. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The use of our information, products, and services should be based on your own efforts. You agree that we are not liable for your success or failure.